About us

Problem and opportunity
Sheep's wool was widely used in the textile industry until the 21st century when synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon largely replaced it. Sheep's wool, which has been used for thousands of years, lost a large part of its importance, remaining mainly a valuable raw material for people who love handicrafts. For the sake of the sheep's health, it is necessary to shear them at least once a year, but most of this wool is a waste product for sheep farmers. According to data, 90% of wool from Estonian sheep is either dug into the ground, burned, or taken to a landfill. We want to provide an opportunity for the sustainable use of this super material: we contribute to the functioning of the bio-economy, where the previous residual product finds an outlet as part of nature-friendly crop production.

The journey to the product
We considered it essential:
- That our activities have as small an environmental footprint as possible
- During the production of pellets, nothing is added to wool, while all the good properties are preserved.
- The lamb wool is valued as close as possible to the shearing point to reduce transport costs.
- The product offers several benefits at the same time.
Wool is both a long-term fertilizer and a good snail repellent; it is a good heat insulator with a high moisture absorption capacity. Therefore, it is not unimportant that hobby gardeners who have tested our product have said that it is much more pleasant to work with soil mixed with pellets - it is lighter and grittier.

Where to next?
We desire to offer higher added value to sheep breeders and a precisely targeted product to gardeners. Although the usefulness of wool pellets has been studied and proved in the world, we have also started a cooperation with the Estonian University of Life Sciences. We want to conduct research on local raw materials and their environmental influence and based on results offer new products in the future. In addition, we have created an experimental garden next to production, thanks to which we can conduct tests and be sure of the product's usefulness. And finally, the enthusiasm of our gardener friends for wool pellets is the most significant confirmation that we are on the right track.